4-H Summer Camp
2025 4-H Junior Summer Camp
July 21 - 25, 2025
Junior 4-H Summer Camp is a week-long, residential summer camp program available to residents of New Kent and Charles City ages 9-13. Teens age 14 can serve as Counselors-in-Training (CIT) during camp and teens ages 15-18 can serve as Teen Camp Counselors (see below for camp age policies and CIT/Counselor information). Camp is held every year at the Jamestown 4-H Educational Center in Williamsburg, VA.
Please note that the New Kent Extension Office is in charge of planning for and processing registration for both New Kent and Charles City our week of 4-H Junior Summer Camp. Jamestown 4-H Educational Center is just the facility we use during the week for camp programming. Registration and/or questions regarding 4-H Summer Camp should be directed to the New Kent Extension office at 804-966-9645, NOT the Jamestown 4-H Center.
4-H camp provides youth countless opportunities to develop responsibility, independence, life skills in a camp setting while interacting with the natural world around them. Days are filled with camp classes, unstructured recreation and swim time, flag ceremonies, evening programs, and campfires.
Teen Counselors
Teen Camp Counselors are required to be between the ages of 15-18. Scholarships are available on an as needed basis. A completed scholarship application must be received prior to May 1, 2025 to receive consideration, and will remain confidential. Call the Extension office at 804-966-9645 to request an application.
Counselor-In-Training (CIT)
CIT positions are open to 14 year olds. Youth interested in developing leadership, citizenship, and life skills that will benefit you, and your community, in the future.
So, what is the CIT program?
The Counselor-in-Training (CIT) Program is designed to train teens in camp counseling skills while training with the hired teen counselors leading up to camp, taking a CIT class at camp, and minimally assisting in camp. This experience is needed and teens should serve as a CIT before becoming a 4-H Junior Camp Teen Counselor.
The philosophy of this program is for teens to develop and improve their skills as well as utilize their abilities to work with others in a camp setting, to learn responsibility and the importance of following through, and to learn camp procedures and program skills. The CIT program is designed to teach new counselors how to work with younger children and to have them return as teen counselors in the coming years. CIT’s will learn the purpose of camping and how it relates to the total or overall 4-H program. The CIT program provides opportunities for teens to grow and develop as well as learn leadership, team building, and life skills.
The objectives of the CIT program include:
- To develop and improve leadership skills
- To enhance by utilizing abilities
- To learn how to make wise decisions
- To improve self-esteem
- To discover and explore positive capabilities and potential talent
- To learn to work positively with younger children, peers, and adults
- To learn counseling techniques and how to be a friend to others
- To assist and lead under the guidance and direction of experienced counselors and staff
- To learn and understand camp objectives
- To become familiar with and enforce camp policies and procedures
- To learn to be a follower as well as a leader
Requirements for CIT’s/Job Description:1. CITs (Counselors-in-Training) must have reached the age of 14 by September 30, 2025.
- CITs (Counselors-in-Training) must have reached the age of 14 by September 30, 2025.
- Serve under the guidance of an experienced 4-H Camp Teen Counselor, Adult, or Camp Staff.
- Have a strong interest/experience in working with children.
- Assist with meal time activities such as table setting.
- Potentially serve as an assistant to a Teen Counselor or Adult during group meetings, as well as
during recreation/leisure activities. - CIT's will not be allowed to serve in a supervisory position of campers. They will work as an assistant or apprentice to a teen counselor or adult.
- Serve as a POSITIVE influence and role model to every camper at all times!
- Promote the Six Pillars of Character…Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship.
Pre-Registration opens: February 14, 2025
Three Easy steps to Register for 4-H Camp:
- Complete the Pre-Registration form. Once you have submitted the registration, you will receive a registration confirmation email. Pre-Registration confirmation does NOT guarantee a spot at camp! Spaces are limited. You will receive a "Camp Admission" email if you have received a slot.
- Once you receive your Camp Admission email, you must mail in or drop off a $85.00 deposit to your VCE unit within ten business days. You may pay the full camp fee of $380 at the time of your deposit if you so choose. Full payment deadlines may not be the same for each county/city, but will be shared in your Camp Admission email. To secure your spot at camp, a deposit of $85 is due within two weeks of registering, and the remaining camp fee must be settled by June 23, 2025. If preferred, you can pay the full $380 upon registration. Payment options include cash, check, or money order, and further details about these methods can be accessed on the Payment Page.
- Register your child in 4-H Online to ensure we have their completed Health History and Code of Conduct on file. This enrollment allows you to update any changes from the previous year. Once we receive your deposit, instructions for enrollment will be sent to your email.
If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact James Mason at jmason24@vt.edu, Isaiah Morton at ikmorton@vt.edu or 804-966-9645/TDD*) during business hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to discuss accommodations 30 days prior to the event.
*TDD number is (800) 828-1120.
This year the camp fee for campers is $380, which includes meals and lodging for five days and four nights, a camp t-shirt, class supplies, and all activities. We must receive a $85 deposit within two weeks of registration. The remainder of your camp fee is due by July 9th. You are also welcome to pay in full when you register.
The cost for a C.I.T. is $380
The cost for a Counselor is $190
Scholarships are available for children of families with financial needs depending on donations received. Scholarship awards vary based on contributions from the community. Please contact James Mason at jmason24@vt.edu, Isaiah Morton at ikmorton@vt.edu or 804-966-9645/TDD*) during business hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m to request a scholarship application.
Payments can be made by check*, cash, or money order. NO CARDS!
Mail or drop off payment made payable to VCE-New Kent Office. Hours are 8 AM-4:30 PM. We highly encourage mail-in payments, please do not mail cash.
New Kent VCE
Attn: 4-H Camp
P. O. Box 205
New Kent, VA 23124
*There is a $50 fee for returned checks. Checks are usually deposited in 24 to 48 hours after receipt.
Ages Requirements:
Campers must reach the age of 9 by September 30, 2025.
CITs (Counselors-in-Training) must have reached the age of 14 by September 30, 2025.
Counselors must have reached the age of 15 by September 30, 2025..
Any cancellations made prior to July 1st, 2025 will result in a refund of payments made, minus the deposit of $85.
Any cancellations made after July 1st, 2025, WILL NOT be refunded.
The classes and evening activities offered at camp vary from year to year. An example of classes offered include: swimming, water polo, archery, air rifle, canoeing, kayaking, low ropes course, robotics, videography, art and crafts, outdoor living skills, and marine science.
Youth will select the classes that they are most interested in on the first day of camp. Evening activities may include outdoor games, carnival games, a pool party, and a talent show.
We try to make sure there is something for everyone at camp!
Adult Volunteers help us provide a safe, supportive, and fun environment for our campers. Serving as an Adult Volunteer is an incredibly rewarding and fun experience. Adult volunteers serve as caring adults for the campers, and have the opportunity to experience many of the camp classes and activities. During the week, Adult Volunteers assist with classes and activities as needed, but mostly serve as adult chaperones and role models for all youth at camp.
Adult Volunteers camp for free and volunteers that stay all 4 nights of camp receive a discount on the camp fee if they have a youth attending camp.
Adults Interested in voluntering must:
- Complete Adult Volunteer Application
- Submit to and pass a background check
- Attend an in-person interview
- Complete Civil Rights Training
- Attend Teen and Adult pre-camp training
Adult Volunteers must be at least 21 years of age by October 1, 2025 and must also complete training prior to camp. The hours of training can be a combination of online and in-person training.
Volunteer positions are filled on first-come-first serve basis. Volunteers will be selected based on application, reference checks, an approved background check, and the interview.
To inquire about serving as an Adult Volunteer for 4-H Junior Summer Camp please call our office at 804-966-9645 or email marci4@vt.edu
4-H Junior Camp Frequently Asked Questions
• How do I register for 4-H Camp?
Registration for 4-H Camp will only be collected through our online format. Registration will open at 8:00 a.m. on February 14, 2025.
• I do not have access to a computer and/or the internet. How can I register for camp?
If you do not have access to a computer and/or the internet and as a result cannot complete online registration, please call our office at 804-966-9645. We will collect your camper’s information and we will attempt to complete the registration process for you. We will try to register your child online on February 1st at 8:00 a.m. the exact same way everyone else is attempting to register. Having our office register your child because you do not have access to a computer/internet does not give you an advantage over others registering themselves. We cannot guarantee that your child will be registered in camp. We take requests to complete the registration process for you on a first-come-first-served basis. Thus, we will attempt to register the first person that contacted us first then register every other person in the order in which they contacted us.
• How will I register once it turns 8:00 a.m. on February 14? What information will I need to have ready to register?
In order to complete the registration, you will need the following information for each camper:
Parent/Guardian First and Last Name
Parent/Guardian Home Phone Number
Parent/Guardian Email Address
Parent/Guardian Mailing Address
Camper First and Last Name
Camper Birthdate
Camper Gender
Camper T-shirt Size (Youth S, M, L, or Adult S, M, L, XL)
• Are my spots in camp “confirmed” when I hit the “submit” button of when I submit the registration information?
Once you submit registration, you will be placed on a time-stamped registration list. You will receive a registration confirmation, letting you know you we have received your registration.
You will later receive confirmation of either a "Camp Admission" or wait-list status.
• How many campers can I register at one time?
You can register as many campers as you like. However, you MUST fill out a SEPARATE form for each camper.
• How will I know my registration is complete/confirmed?
You will also receive an email with your registration confirmation. This email may take several minutes to appear in your inbox. If it doesn't appear in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
PLEASE NOTE HOWEVER: Registration is not "Camp Admission", please do not submit a deposit until have received a camp admission confirmation.
• How do I pay for camp?
We cannot accept online/credit card payment for 4-H camp. Once you have received "Camp Admission", you will need to mail a deposit of $85.00 per camper (or the whole camp fee of $380.00 per camper, if you choose) to our office at:
VCE – New Kent
PO Box 205
New Kent, VA 23124
You can also bring the deposit into our office at:
11809 New Kent Highway, Suite 1
New Kent, VA 23124
We can accept cash or checks made out to "VCE – New Kent". Please put your camper's name in the memo line of all checks or attach a note with your camper's name to any cash payments.
• I would like to apply for financial assistance for my child to attend camp. How do I do that/Do I register online like everyone else?
Financial Assistance in the amount of a 75%, 50%, or 25% discount on camp fees is available to youth with financial need. Guidelines for financial assistance eligibility are based on the USDA’s eligibility guidelines for free and reduced school lunches; however, we do also consider extenuating circumstances in our financial assistance if necessary.
To request a Financial assistance application, call the Extension office at 804-966-9645. If you plan to apply for financial assistance, you should still register online like everyone else. Everyone, regardless of if they receive financial assistance or not, is required to register online and pay the deposit of $85.00.
• How do I know what number my child is on the waitlist? What happens when my child gets put on the waitlist?
You will be notified by email if your child is on the waitlist. If a spot opens for your child, you will be given 48hrs to confirm that spot. If the deposit is not paid within 5 business days of spot confirmation, it will be revoked.
• Our 4-H Junior Camp is very popular and registration fills so quickly, why don’t you offer another week of the camp?
Unfortunately, that is not an option. There are six 4-H camping centers throughout the state, and every county/city in the state is assigned one week of camp at one of the centers. The Jamestown 4-H Center serves 23 different counties and cities by providing one week of summer camp to each location. There are really only about nine full weeks that can support camps in the summer, so those 23 localities partner up and each “cluster” of localities takes a week. There is not a 4-H camping facility available to host another week of camp for New Kent/Charles City County.
• If my child does not get into the New Kent/Charles City County week of 4-H Camp, can they attend another week of 4-H Junior Camp with another locality?
All of the camp “clusters” work together, and we share our waitlists with each other. Thus, if another week of camp has open spots, they let the 4-H programs in the other localities know and we send them our waitlists if we have them. It is our goal to fill every single spot in every single week of camp if possible. However, most localities try to fill their week of camp with residents from their own county/city first. After a certain time, if they haven’t filled with their own residents, they will open it up to residents from other counties/cities. You would have to contact each locality and ask them how they handle registration for non-residents. You can find the camp schedule and contact information for each week on the Jamestown 4-H Center website